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Sunday, October 16, 2011

The Happiness Quotient By Rekha Shetty

What is happiness? We know that being happy is not about measuring our income, status, passion, possession, name, fame or health. It is a state of mind. However, developing our minds to be happy is no easy task. Only through building inner strength can we learn not to be dependent on the outside world for our happiness. The Happiness Quotient delves deep into the mysterious topic of inner power, and its source. The mind needs to unlearn in order to harness this potent force. The Happiness Quotient gives us clear, concise direction on how to achieve happiness despite our busy lives, and how to balance economic advancement while uplifting the soul.

The Happiness Quotient tells you how Dr. Rekha Shetty, Ph.D, is the founder of the Mindspower brand and managing director of Farstar Distribution Network Ltd, a twenty-year-old consulting company working exclusively on innovation initiatives and work-life balance. Her thoughts come from a deep study of many disciplines: Management, Sociology, Psychology, Economics, History and Spirituality. Her ideas are practical in over 30 countries.

The Indian tradition shows us that positive, radiant happiness is our birthright, and the programme outlined in this book illustrates how to achieve it for ourselves. The Happiness quotient (HQ) is a concept that measures approximately, the measure of happiness each person has achieved in his life. This book provides a blueprint to increase one's HQ. It starts by describing the creation of a positive happiness. It also discusses the impact of negative fields and how to avoid them.

Events are not under our control, but our perceptions and reactions to them are. This book is an investment in Life's greatest prize-Happiness.

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